The future of search engines

The technology adopted by current search engines is still considered as a new technology. Was introduced in 1998 as an advancement towards the old search methods, the web search today is still a very young technology with a great opportunity for growth. This essay will cover some indications for future growth of the current search engines.

Clustered search results
Most search engines available on internet nowadays are still not able to overcome the problems of keyword synonymy and polysemy [1]. For example, imagine that there is a user who wishes to find information about Cocomo beach located in Fiji island and enters the keyword ‘cocomo’ into a search engine. This unfortunate user will certainly be jolted with plenty of less relevant web-pages such as pages about Cost Constructive Model which is a model used for developing software in IT.  Continue reading

Search engine: how does it work?

Before we can ensure that our websites being listed among the highest positions, we must first understand how search engines work. A search engine consists of four different modules that are assigned with their own tasks.

Figure2. Elements of a Search Engine [1]

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Do we need a better payment system for e-business?

Many businesses nowadays decide to go electronic in order to enable their customers to place order online. These organisations should be aware of the existing payment systems available on the internet today along with some issues related to them.

mastercard     visa    paypal

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Link spam- What is that and how to deal with it?

Links spam is defined as a link connecting two web pages that exists solely for the purpose of boosting up search engine rank [1]. The algorithms used by search engines today are based on the assumption that web programmers would only provide high quality links from their websites [2].


As more and more internet users are familiar with the way of the current search engines operate, many websites nowadays are exchanging links with other sites regardless to the fact whether the information provided in the linked pages are related with their own. Some websites even do business by using this strategy (by offering links to somebody’s sites and accepting well payment in return)

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Building a new website? Here are some recommendations for you..

Most people got the same things on their minds once they decided to run a new website, such as: Will my site satisfy my (prospective) readers? How can I measure my site performance so that I can make betterment in the future? What should I do to optimize my search engine ranks?


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Optimizing your e-business with SEO

The world wide web was estimated to connect approximately of 10 billion web pages in 2004 [1]; therefore, there is a serious competition from organizations all around the world struggling to appear on top of search engine lists. This competition is becoming more serious once an organization realizes that 73 % of internet users never look beyond the first page of page lists generated by search engines [2]. There are more than 200 different factors used by Google in ranking those web pages [2] and some of them will be discussed in this article.

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Your e-business and YouTube

Have you ever heard about vlogging? Vlogging is a kind of shortened term from video blogging, which can be interpreted as a new form of blogging that uses video as its technology.  Have you got any idea on how can these advanced technologies (e.g. Youtube and Google video) enhance the performance of your e-business?

                    Youtube           Google_video

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What is CRM? How can it affect on e-business?

The market had changed very dramatically during these past decades and we are now reaching to the consumer power era. Couple decades ago, customers will not mind to purchase any car as long as it had four wheels and could operate well. In this era, however, customers have hundreds to thousands choices of vehicles available in market varying in models, quality, color and price. Customers therefore possess the more powerful position in the market today.

CRM & its effect on e-business

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